Fenwick is taking science to dizzying heights, his assistant is after the maid and a mob is rioting at the front door. Ellen, a geneticist, has moral qualms about a job offer and Tom is unemployed. The Fenwicks are living in 1799, Ellen and Tom in 1999 – in the same house. There’s a body in the basement. Who buried it there 200 years ago?Image
Shelagh Stephenson explores the question of how much morality science can take – and how much it needs – with two compelling examples from two different times in history. To what lengths should the study of anatomy go to procure cadavers at the end of the 18th century? And how far should genetics go at the beginning of the 21st century?
in der Reihe Science & Theatre, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Freien Universität Berlin.
Regie: Günther Grosser
mit Richard Penny, Julie Trappett, Tomas Spencer, Lee Stripe, Ciara Goss, Carolyn Walsh, Elisabet Johannesdottir
Bühne: Tomas Fitzpatrick, Kostüme: Ilaria Di Carlo, Licht: Katri Kuusimäki,
Wissenschaftliche Koordination: Prof. Regine Hengge vom Institut für Biologie/Mikrobiologie, Freie Universität Berlin
Kooperationsprojekt mit der Freien Universität Berlin
TICKETS: 18 / 10 erm. / 3-Euro-Kulturticket / Mittwochs alle Tickets 9
mehr lesen: www.etberlin.de/content/view/335/32/